Friday, January 25, 2008

Vocabulary I learnt this week

I learnt the meaning of the word "breed" and check the meaning from the dictionary link: breed
Synonym: produce; hatch; bring up; nourish; train; instruct.

bet 打賭,賭注(vt.)(vi.)打賭(v.)(vbl.)打賭

I also checked the word "burst" from the google link: 網路上查詢burst在 英文的定義結果:
break open or apart suddenly; "The bubble burst"
  • break: force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger"
  • explode: burst outward, usually with noise; "The champagne bottle exploded"
  • move suddenly, energetically, or violently; "He burst out of the house into the cool night"

Friday, January 18, 2008

Enhance My English

What should I do to enhance my English?
  1. I should read more to enhance my vocabulary power.
  2. I should remember the vocabulary naturally when I read.
  3. I should substain my interest and curiosity when I read.
  4. I should not give up even I may get bored.

Vocabulary Learning


verb + noun (e.g. enhance writing, bear responsibility)
verb + adjective +noun (e.g.enhance English foundation,increase thinking power)
adverb + verb (e.g. quickly run, happily accept )
adverb + verb + noun (e.g. naturally learn the vocabulary, happily accept the social responsibility)

adverb + adjective + noun (e.g. very boring task )
adjective + preposition + noun (e.g. bored by task)
noun + noun (e.g. English teacher )

Friday, January 4, 2008

Level of fresh water lake at near historic low

Poyang Lake in Jixing, China is now near its lowest level .

The low levels have caused serious water shortages for residents around the lake.

Local authorities are trying their best to deal with the problem.

Level of student's writing

Some Hong Kong student's writing is at the low level due to their lack of interest and training.

According to the research articles in the newspaper, the level came to its worrying stage. The low level has caused concern by parents among employers and the goverment, especially the education department of Hong Kong.

Local school principals are trying their best to deal with the problem.